Two Bikes, Two Smiles: How 'Ladies of Lev' and The Bike Library Delivered an Unforgettable Christmas

In this interview, Cameron Zamot, representing Greenway Gear Collective and The Bike Library, speaks with Annie Jernigan and Sarah Kordulewski-Chavez from Levitate. Levitate participates in a holiday program where they sponsored families in need, purchasing two bikes from Greenway Gear Collective. Annie reached out to TBL about the bikes and served as the primary point of contact. Sarah oversees Levitate's overall involvement in the program. The following interview highlights their efforts and the serendipitous partnership that made it all possible.
Cameron Zamot: Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you got connected with The Bike Library, where you work, and your relationship with bikes. The floor is yours!
Annie Jernigan: Yeah! I'm Annie Jernigan. I work at Levitate. I've been here about four months now, so I'm still pretty new but really enjoying it. At Levitate, we provide a marketing app for small to midsize businesses and organizations that don't have a ton of in-house marketing or the capacity to do as much as they want.
We do a lot of giving back as a company—there's always something going on that we can volunteer for or contribute to. Since this is my first year here, I signed up for our holiday program, where employees are assigned a family with a Christmas wish list. I was assigned two girls, ages 12 and 16, and they both really wanted bikes. I go to the same gym as Lauren and I know she bikes a lot, so I figured I would reach out to see if we could put together a really special Christmas gift for these girls.