No Car and 30 Minutes to Get There: Visualizing Bike Superiority for Car-Free Transit

Alright, alright... before we dive into this extra short blog post (because hopefully the cover photo tells you everything you need to know) let's run through the usual -
Events This Week:
Thursday @ 7:30am: Coffee Outside at TBL
Thursday @ 4PM-7PM: Green Grill-Out
Saturday @ 2PM: Lake Raleigh Adventure Series #2 (Details and Signup)
Sunday @ 6PM: Thanksgiving Potluck at TBL (Sign up here to bring a dish)
Bing bang boom.
So apparently this Thursday is GIS day. I don't really know much about technical stuff and all the newfangled things the kids do these days like Python and R and C++ (is that the same thing as C Sharp?), but earlier this year I did take a Coursera course on GIS and it changed my life.